In a familiar story heard repeatedly in 2016, a school instructor has been accused of engaging inappropriate behaviour with young students. In each case, the mere accusation of sex crimes being committed against a minor can be incredibly damaging to the career of...
Reliable, Dedicated Representation
Month: December 2016
Texas couple arrested, facing drug charges
To be found in apparent possession of illegal or controlled substances is a frightening prospect for anyone. While physical evidence of alleged criminal activity may not look promising, the presumption of innocence still prevails in this country, and every accused...
People who have a drug addiction need treatment, not jail time
Many people who commit drug-related offenses are sentenced to jail for a predetermined amount of time, and many of those offenders who go on to become inmates find that their addiction issues remain or even intensify before they return to society. Part of this is...
Social media invite leads to sexual assault charge for teacher
Persons in a position of trust and authority can sometimes end up in difficult situations because of the nature of their relationships with those in their care. Sometimes interactions occur that would be appropriate in other situations. Other times actions are...
Man faces major prison time for drug charges
In the very early hours of the morning, it doesn't take much to draw the attention of the police to anything that seems even slightly wrong. That was the experience of one Texas man enjoying some music in his car just recently. He now faces the possibility of a life...
Indictment for Texas man for wire fraud and other charges
When a person ages, frequently he or she will assign a power of attorney to a trusted relative to direct the administration of his or her affairs. In a case about to go before the Texas courts, a man passed away and then was quickly followed by the son to whom he gave...
Drug charges for 4 Texas men after disturbance call
When unforeseen and seemingly unrelated circumstances lead to an arrest, the accused must be left wondering what went wrong. Certainly the mysterious reasons behind a police raid four hours east of San Antonio seem entirely baffling. Four Texas men now face a variety...