The notorious affluenza case brought national attention to Texas on multiple occasions, perhaps most recently when the affluenza teen and his mother were accused of fleeing the country. Initially, the mother was criminally charged for allegedly aiding her son with his...
Reliable, Dedicated Representation
Month: June 2016
CMS cracking down on health care fraud in Texas
As a result of increasing concerns about fraud, home health care providers in Texas will soon be under even more scrutiny than ever before. The initiative hopes to cut down on Medicare and health care fraud, but some worry that the move could have unintended...
Study links bail to outcome of state crime charges
To the average Texan, there might not appear to be any type of link between bail and how some defendants plea. However, a recent study found that whether people are assigned bail for their state crime charges greatly impacts the rate at which people plea guilty. This...
Graffiti garners felony charge for teen boys in Texas
Graffiti from an apparent senior prank landed five teenagers in police custody. The graffiti -- which was spray painted on the building of an opposing high school -- apparently depicted vulgar imagery and included racially charged statements. Each of the five teen...
Officers charged with drug possession with intent to distribute
Facing any kind of felony drug charge in Texas, whether at the state or federal level, can be one of the most traumatic experiences a person can endure. If the person charged is also a law enforcement officer, the pressure may even be greater due to concerns about...