Reliable, Dedicated Representation


  • Successful Criminal Defense Verdicts From Our San Antonio Attorney
  • San Antonio Charges Dismissed Lawyer
  • Skilled Criminal Defense Attorney in San Antonio, Texas

When selecting a criminal defense lawyer, it is important to choose someone with the experience and expertise you can trust. This may be one of the most significant decisions of your life. Effective legal representation may make the difference between your charges being dropped and a criminal conviction – — between your freedom and a lengthy prison sentence.

At the San Antonio Law Offices of Anthony B. Cantrell, we have extensive experience handling a wide range of criminal charges and working effectively toward successful criminal defense verdicts and outcomes, such as having the charges dismissed. Attorney Anthony Cantrell has devoted his entire legal career to the practice of criminal defense. He is board certified as a criminal law specialist by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, and has received the AV® Peer Review Rating.*

Whether you have been charged with DUI/DWI, identity theft, murder or drug offenses, we can effectively represent you. Contact us to schedule your confidential consultation. Come to our offices today to discuss your legal concerns during a free consultation.

Below are some examples of successful criminal defense verdicts and petitions we have been able to achieve for our clients. While it is important to note that every case is different and past success is no indication of future results, we can assure you we will work hard to attain the best possible result for your legal matter.

The State of Texas v. Thomas P.

Offense: Public Lewdness
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: Charged with Public Lewdness, defense counsel had it reduced to Indecent Exposure and had it dismissed because defense counsel convinced the prosecutor the defendant had a right to privacy in a hotel.
Verdict: Dismissed

The State of Texas v. Dante L.

Offense: Possession with intent to deliver Controlled Substance PG 2-A 4-400g
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: Defense counsel won on a motion to suppress because the police had no probable cause to arrest the defendant. Defendant was arrested outside a McDonald’s based on a no loitering sign. The arrest was at night time and the defendant was not standing anywhere near the no loitering sign. Also, the no loitering sign was heavily graffitied and unreadable. Despite the defendant admitting to possessing and selling drugs, his case was dismissed because there was no probable cause for the police to arrest him.
Verdict: Dismissed

The State of Texas v. Vince R.

Offense: Fleeing – Attempting to Elude Police Officer
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: Defense counsel held a Ford Hearing and successfully argued the defendant was not fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer. The Judge sided with defense counsel and the prosecutor dismissed the case.
Verdict: Dismissed

The State of Texas v. Joe R.

Offense: Public Lewdness
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: Defense counsel uncovered officers conspiring to lie to falsely arrest defendant. The police officers falsified their report when they never observed any crime taking place. Defense counsel convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the case outright due to officer misconduct.
Verdict: Dismissed

The State of Texas v. Jubalani T.

Offense: Possession of Marijuana 0-2oz
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: Defense counsel convinced the prosecutor to do a conditional dismissal even though the defendant admitted drugs were in the vehicle. Defense counsel argued the defendant was not the owner of the vehicle, did not maintain control or have regular access to the vehicle. Defendant was pulled over for a traffic violation, was the sole occupant of the vehicle and admitted there were drugs in the vehicle. The case was dismissed.
Verdict: Dismissed

The State of Texas v. Lawrence F.

Offense: Possession of Controlled Substance PG 2-A 0-2oz
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: The case was dismissed because not all the drugs were tested, and of those tested no synthetic marijuana was found. Defense counsel convinced the prosecutor to dismiss this case as they could not prove there was any synthetic marijuana to charge the defendant and kept the defendant from being charged with an additional possession of marijuana case.
Verdict: Dismissed

The State of Texas v. Tom B.

Offense: Possession with intent to deliver controlled substance PG 1 4-200g
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: Trial by Jury. Found Not Guilty. No police officer claimed they saw defendant with drugs. The police never found any drugs on his possession. No drugs are visible on the body camera video including supposedly where the drugs were found. After securing the scene for over three minutes, the police did not know there was a person in a vehicle next to where the drugs were supposedly found. The jury found the defendant not guilty.
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. Baker

Offense: Possession of Marijuana San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Trevino

Offense: Murder
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. McHenry

Offense: Indecency with Child-Contact
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Buckley

Offense: Indecency with Child
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Burks

Offense: Injury to Child
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Butler

Offense: Burglary of Building
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. DeLeon

Offense: DWI
Frio County, Texas
Verdict: Pretrial Diversion

State of Texas v. Doan

Offense: Sale of Alcohol to Minor
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Douglas

Offense: Burglary of Coin Op Machine
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Espinosa

Offense: Conspiracy to Commit Arson
San Antonio, Bent County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Fisher

Offense: Criminal Mischief
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Galvan

Offense: Poss CS
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Guadiano

Offense: Poss w/I del 4-200g CS
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Haynes

Offense: Resisting Arrest
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Jones

Offense: Unlawful Poss Weapon
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Joyner

Offense: Expunction
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Granted

State of Texas v. Keylich

Offense: Theft 3d Felony
Floresville, Wilson County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Lee

Offense: Poss Drug Para
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed
More Examples of Successful Criminal Defense Verdicts Achieved by the Law Offices of Anthony Cantrell

State of Texas v. Mound

Offense: Theft $1500-$20,000
Theft $20-$500
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Munchinski

Offense: Expunction
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Granted

State of Texas v. Pollard

Offense: Burglary of Vehicle
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Porter

Offense: Agg Assault with Child
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Rangel

Offense: UCW
Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Rodriguez

Offense: Aggravated Sexual Assault
Valverde County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Rojas

Offense: Expunction
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Granted

State of Texas v. Saldana

Offense: POM – 0-2oz
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Snyder

Offense: POM 0-2oz
New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Tilley

Offense: MTR
New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Villarreal

Offense: Assault Bodily Injury
San Antonio, Bexar County
Verdict: Pretrial Diversion

State of Texas v. Winstead

Offense: Assault Bodily Injury
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Verdict: Pre-trial Diversion

State of Texas v. Wright

Offense: Aggravated Robbery
New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas
Verdict: Dismissed

State of Texas v. Perez

Offense: Theft (B)
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: The defendant was at a Walmart store. She was seen removing packaging from several DVDs. The defendant later changed her mind and was taking item out of her purse. Security escorted her through “Security exit sensors.” I was able to get a duress charge and the jury found my client, not guilty.
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. Nguyen L.Y.

Offense: Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon on Licensed Premises
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: L.Y. Nguyen was transporting two swords in the back of his car when he got into an altercation with his girlfriend in a store parking lot. The police noticed the swords in the back seat and arrested Nguyen on charges of unlawfully carrying a weapon on a licensed premises. Anthony Cantrell was able to convince the prosecutor that the client did not have the requisite intent to commit this offense. The prosecutor dismissed the charges.
Verdict: Dismissal, 2005

State of Texas v. Myart J. W.

Offense: Interference with a Public Servant and Resisting Arrest
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: A prominent San Antonio civil rights lawyer was at the scene of one of his clients’ arrest. Mr. Myart was taking pictures of the scene and a San Antonio police officer asked him to leave. Mr. Myart was making an attempt to get out of the way of the police officer but evidently it was not quick enough. The police officer used so much force in arresting Mr. Myart that his suit pants were ripped. I was able to show the nature of the police officer’s demeanor at the scene on the witness stand, as he became rather belligerent on the witness stand, too. The jury within thirty minutes came back not guilty on both charges.
Verdict: Not Guilty, 2005

State of Texas v. Childs S.

Offense: Solicitation of Capital Murder
New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas.
Synopsis: S. Childs, along with a co-defendant, were accused in a murder for hire plot to kill a single mother, who had a child belonging to the co-defendant. It was alleged that S. Childs introduced the co-defendant to a person with Delta Mafia ties who would be able to assist the co-defendant in the murder of his ex-girlfriend, the mother of his child. The Comal County District Attorney himself tried this case. The district attorney was well prepared and the trial lasted for a month. After all was said and done, the jury assessed sixty (60) years on the co-defendant and S. Childs, my client, received 10 years probation from the jury.
Verdict: 10 Years Probation, 2005

State of Texas v. Flurey M.

Offense: Possession of Marijuana
Floresville, Wilson County, Texas.
Synopsis: Police officer’s stopped my client for a supposed defective tail light. As the officer was speaking to the defendant he claimed he smelled marijuana and saw some marijuana on the defendant’s clothes. I insisted that the marijuana to be tested to determine the weight we were dealing with. I was able to convince the Wilson County Attorney that there was not sufficient marijuana to be used. Case was dismissed.
Verdict: Dismissed, 2005

State of Texas v. Snyder S.

Offense: Assault causing Bodily Injury
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas.
Synopsis: S. Snyder was accused of assaulting and injuring his girlfriend. I was able to convince the district attorney’s office to conduct an investigation. It was learned that the complainant initiated the act of violence against my client who essentially was protecting himself from the complainant/girlfriend in this case. The case was eventually dismissed.
Verdict: Dismissed, 2005

State of Texas v. Dempsey L.

Offense: Driving While Intoxicated
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: Perseverance paid off in this particular case. The police officer who arrested my client was eventually charged with intoxication manslaughter. The case was of course dismissed.
Verdict: Dismissed, 2005
h2>State of Texas v. Lopez J.

Offense: Driving While Intoxicated
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Synopsis: J. Lopez was arrested for D.W.I. in San Antonio, Texas. A San Antonio police officer’s claimed that he passed him without pulling over one lane or slowed down to less than 20 m.p.h. when Mr. Lopez passed the police officer who was giving a traffic ticket to another person. The officer gave chase to J. Lopez who stopped immediately. The officer claimed he smelled an alcoholic beverage on his breath. The jury found J. Lopez not guilty and believed that this obscure law should not have given probable cause to stop him.
Verdict: Not Guilty, 2004

State of Texas v. McGraw K.

Offense: Sexual Assault – — Child
Synopsis: The defendant was charged with sexual assault of a child. The defendant had been charged with six different cases involving sexual assault of a child. The district attorney’s office chose to try them individually. This was the first case tried. The district attorney began their case and through effective cross-examination I was able to undermine the state’s case so much that the district attorney did not finish his case in chief and dismissed the case against the defendant.
Verdict: Dismissal – 2004

State of Texas v. Narvaiz A.

Offense: Capital Murder
Synopsis: The defendant was charged with capital murder. Through negotiations with the district attorney’s office I was able to get the case dismissed after the defendant passed a polygraph administered by the San Antonio Police Department.
Verdict: Dismissal – 2004

State of Texas v. Pina L.

Offense: Aggravated Sexual Assault
Synopsis: The defendant was charged with sexual assault of an acquaintance. Through my investigation of the case I was able to bring to light discrepancies in the complainant statements to police about what she had alleged. The state decided not to pursue charges against the defendant and the case was dismissed.
Verdict: Dismissal – 2004

State of Texas v. Rodriguez M.

Offense: Driving while Intoxicated
Synopsis: The defendant was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated. The defense raised the issue of lack of probable cause for the stop leading to the defendant’s arrest. The jury found the defendant not guilty.
Verdict: Not Guilty – 2004

State of Texas v. Rodriguez R.

Offense: Capital Murder
Synopsis: This was a capital murder case is which the state was originally seeking the death penalty. An insanity defense was raised. The defendant was found to be mentally retarded and state was eventually forced to drop the death penalty. It came down to a battle of the experts. The jury found the defendant not guilty of capital murder.
Verdict: Not Guilty – — December 2003
Article – ‘Little green man’ murder case ends in acquittal

State of Texas v. Montalvo A.

Offense: Indecency with a Child — Contact
Synopsis: The defendant was charged with indecency with a child by contact and had been accused by the mother of his children, his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend, of molesting their children shortly after he broke off their relationships for another woman. The defendant refused to accept the state’s offer of forty (40) years incarceration and this matter was tried before a jury. During the trial the state’s case slowly began to fall apart and the defendant was acquitted of all charges.
Verdict: Not Guilty – — 2002

State of Texas v. Drinan J.

Offense: Aggravated Sexual Assault Count I and II
Synopsis: This case involved three counts of aggravated sexual assault of the defendant’s three (3) minor children. The defendant was accused by his ex-wife, the mother of his children, of molesting their three children just shortly after the defendant left his wife for another woman. The jury found the defendant not guilty on all counts.
Verdict: Not Guilty – — 2000

State of Texas v. Sanchez R.

Offense: Assault with Bodily Injury
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. Griffith D.

Offense: Fiduciary Misapplication $200.00 – — $10,000.
Synopsis: A major company had accused the defendant of stealing from them.
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. Wilson C.

Offense: Aggravated Sexual Assault with Deadly Weapon
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. Johnson M.

Offense: Driving While Intoxicated
Synopsis: The defendant was very reluctant to take this case to trial and wanted to accept the State’s plea offer. I convinced him that his case was “winnable”. The case resulted in an acquittal of the defendant.
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. Baldwin J.

Offense: Operating or Driving a Motor Vehicle in Public Place in Bexar County, Texas, While Intoxicated (1st)
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. Andrews C.

Offense: Aggravated Sexual Assault of a child
Verdict: Not Guilty

State of Texas v. Caesar M.

Offense: Murder
Synopsis: Gang-related murder, eyewitness testified
Verdict: Not Guilty


*CV, BV, and AV are registered certification marks of Reed Elsevier Properties Inc., used in accordance with the Martindale-Hubbell certification procedures, standards, and policies.

Martindale-Hubbell is the facilitator of a peer review rating process. Ratings reflect the confidential opinions of members of the Bar and the judiciary. Martindale-Hubbell ratings fall into two categories – legal ability and general ethical standards.

The Law Offices of Anthony B. Cantrell represents clients charged with federal, state, and municipal crimes in south Texas communities such as San Antonio, New Braunfels, Boerne, Floresville, Hondo, Jourdanton, and Sequin, Texas.

Bexar County ▪ Kendall County ▪ Comal County ▪ Wilson County ▪ Bandera County ▪ Atascosa County ▪ Medina County ▪ Guadalupe County