Texas self-defense laws are designed to allow individuals to use physical force, including deadly force, to protect themselves, their property, or others in specific situations. These laws serve as legal protection for individuals who find themselves in threatening...
Reliable, Dedicated Representation
Month: January 2024
Texas Prosecutors, Criminal Lawyers and the Burden of Proof
When Texas prosecutors file charges against an individual, that is typically a sign that they have evidence of wrongdoing. Prosecutors do not usually invest their time and effort in cases that they have little chance of winning. Instead, they prioritize prosecuting...
What are the driver’s license penalties for a Texas DWI?
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) accusations are more serious than most other traffic offenses. They do not lead to tickets but instead criminal charges. Most DWI charges in Texas are misdemeanor cases, but sometimes prosecutors can pursue felony charges after a DWI...