For the past five years, the number of federal prosecutions across the U.S. has declined. In fact, according to statistics from the Pew Research Center, the number of prosecutions dropped by 25 percent between 2011 and 2016. Last year, there were the fewest number of...
Reliable, Dedicated Representation
Month: March 2017
Can being overweight affect your field sobriety test?
In Texas, if you are arrested for drinking while intoxicated, you are required by the "implied consent" law to take a blood or breath test to determine blood alcohol content. If you refuse, your license will be suspended for 180 days for a first offense. Before the...
What happens if I violate my probation in Texas?
Being placed on probation for a criminal offense in Texas can be a highly desirable alternative to incarceration. Nevertheless, it can be extremely difficult to comply with the various terms and conditions of probation, which means many people wind up accused of...
Texas lawmakers consider relaxing penalties for pot possession
Did you know that about 61,500 people were arrested for possession of marijuana in 2015? That means tens of thousands of people faced the possibility of a stain on their criminal record and even jail time in one year alone, all for an offense that people argue is not...
What’s the difference between sober and legally intoxicated?
Texans should be well aware that driving while intoxicated is illegal. It is also dangerous, as alcohol can impair judgment, reaction time and cognitive functions. However, many drivers who wind up facing DUI charges in Texas aren't obviously intoxicated. In fact,...
Bill addresses penalties of celebratory gunfire in Texas
Living in Texas and owning a gun go hand-in-hand for a huge population of residents, whether they have a firearm for protection, hunting or simply because the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms. If you own a gun -- and even if you don't -- you should...
Possible defenses to assault charges
Violent or near-violent encounters between two people typically result in at least two very different stories about what happened. In many cases, people tend to believe that the bigger and stronger person, or the person with a more spotted reputation, is the...