Being accused of a sex crime is a serious situation to find yourself in. But what if you are innocent? What if you never committed the crime they are accusing you of? Unfortunately, false accusations happen from time to time, and it is essential to know what to do if...
Reliable, Dedicated Representation
Supreme Court considers warrantless search issue
The United States Supreme Court agreed to consider whether a police officer's belief that a person committed a misdemeanor crime is sufficient to support a warrantless entry into the home. Legal professionals in Texas and throughout the country are interested in the...
Key elements of a DWI arrest and conviction
All people make mistakes, and some of those mistakes come with severe consequences. Those parties who underestimate their level of inebriation and get behind the wheel may face DWI charges with strict penalties. For those facing such charges, it is...
A calibration issue shows how DWI breath testing can fail
Let us say that a law enforcement officer stopped you on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. You submit to a breath test, but are the results accurate? A breath test machine can run into problems, an example of which came to light because of a tip from an...
How drug court can benefit you and your community
If you live in Texas and are facing a drug-related criminal charge, you may have fears about having to spend time behind bars. Depending on the circumstances of your crime and whether you have an existing criminal record, among other considerations, you may have an...
By the numbers, the effects of a high BAC
In Texas, as in every other state, it is illegal to drive when the blood alcohol concentration level is 0.08 percent or higher. However, most people probably do not know how little alcohol it takes to reach that level. Perhaps someone is accustomed...
The effects a theft charge can have on your life
If you find yourself facing theft charges in the San Antonio area, you may be wondering what the best course of action is for your situation. You may also feel stressed, worried and have all sorts of concerns about how those charges can affect your life. Theft...
What happens if you blow less than 0.08 on a breathalyzer?
In every state, a blood alcohol level of 0.08 is the standard police use to determine if someone is driving while under the influence of alcohol. However, it was not always set at 0.08. In the past, some states had it at 1.0 or even 1.5. Some groups even insist the...
Disorderly conduct, assault and battery
Assault and battery are serious crimes in the United States. According to data from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, over 20 people suffer abuse each minute in the country. Many people use battery and assault interchangeably. Some people...
Why you need an experienced lawyer to deal with DUI charges
Many people tend to underestimate the gravity of what they consider to be minor criminal charges. After all, they reason, this is just a DUI and nobody got hurt. They feel finding and retaining a highly qualified defense attorney could be a waste of time and money....