Despite the extensive efforts to curb drunk driving, people all across Texas find themselves arrested for this offense. While you may think you'll be able to go to court, pay a fine and put the whole mistake behind you, the fact is that a DWI can have a considerable...
Reliable, Dedicated Representation
Month: February 2017
Protections are extended to car interiors and cellphones
When those flashing lights appear in a rearview mirror, most people feel nervous as they anticipate the penalties associated with traffic violations. Whether you get pulled over for speeding, an expired license or a broken brake light, chances are high that your...
How are the levels of federal offenses calculated?
If you are charged with a federal offense, you need to take the situation very seriously. Federal crimes typically come with stricter, harsher and lengthier penalties thanks to Federal Sentencing Guidelines. These guidelines establish minimum sentencing requirements...
Criminal defense isn’t just about guilty vs. not guilty
Every situation involving criminal charges is a situation that must be taken seriously. However, too many people think that they only need legal guidance when a judge or jury is going to be deciding between guilty or not guilty. This can be a costly assumption to...
3 reasons your DWI can be more damaging than you think
Despite the extensive efforts to curb drunk driving, people all across Texas can find themselves arrested for this offense. While you may think you'll just be able to go to court, pay a fine and then just put the whole mistake behind you, the fact is that a DWI can...