If San Antonio police officers suspect drivers of impairment, they generally look for ways to validate their suspicions. They usually start by asking questions about someone's prior activity, including whether they have had any alcohol in the last few hours. Depending...
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Drunk Driving
What are the driver’s license penalties for a Texas DWI?
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) accusations are more serious than most other traffic offenses. They do not lead to tickets but instead criminal charges. Most DWI charges in Texas are misdemeanor cases, but sometimes prosecutors can pursue felony charges after a DWI...
Can Texas prosecutors charge a DWI defendant with a felony?
There are many potential penalties that a judge could hand down in the event that someone is convicted of a driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense in Texas. Most motorists charged with impaired driving face misdemeanor charges, and the penalties that a judge may...
Is a high alcohol tolerance helpful when fighting a DWI charge?
Alcohol compromises people's decision-making ability and can lead to impulsive behavior. People have slightly different personalities while they are under the influence and often become much less inhibited. However, alcohol does not affect every person who consumes it...
2 explanations for why you failed a roadside breath test
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a crime in Texas, and it is a common offense. People get arrested after they cause crashes or during targeted traffic stops. However, officers need more than just their claim that you drove poorly to arrest you and convince a...
Texas Drunk Driving Laws Are Stricter For Commercial Drivers
If you are a commercial vehicle driver in Texas who has been accused of drunk driving, you may be facing a variety of potential penalties and consequences including the potential loss of a commercial driver license (CDL). Truck drivers should be familiar with the...
When can a DWI conviction lead to prison time?
Being arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Texas can happen to almost anyone. This is a major difference between people who are arrested for theft or violent crimes and someone who might have had an alcoholic beverage and gotten behind...
How field sobriety tests work
Police officers in Texas routinely pull over drivers under the suspicion of driving while influenced by drugs or alcohol. Erratic driving, speeding and the inability to stay inside a lane may raise alarms with police officers. Even if someone is guilty of a moving...
NFL player facing DUI charges
Texas residents have likely heard many stories about gifted young athletes who placed their promising and lucrative careers in jeopardy by getting behind the wheel after drinking or taking drugs. The latest story involves a Los Angeles Rams practice squad player....
Fetty Wap facing drunk driving charges
People in Texas who are fans of Fetty Wap, the rapper who rose to prominence with his single, "Trap Queen," might be interested in learning that he was recently charged with drunk driving. According to news sources, the incident happened in New York City on Nov. 3....