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Fetty Wap facing drunk driving charges

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2017 | Drunk Driving

People in Texas who are fans of Fetty Wap, the rapper who rose to prominence with his single, “Trap Queen,” might be interested in learning that he was recently charged with drunk driving. According to news sources, the incident happened in New York City on Nov. 3.

Officers with the New York City Police Department allege that Fetty Wap was spotted driving his vehicle in a drag race at speeds of more than 100 miles per hour. The speed limit was reportedly marked at 50 miles per hour. Officers pulled over his 2015 Mercedes on the Gowanus Expressway in Brooklyn.

Officers administered a breathalyzer test to Fetty Wap, and he reportedly submitted a sample that tested at 0.09 percent blood alcohol content. In New York, the legal limit is 0.08 percent. Police took Fetty Wap into custody at the scene and charged him with 15 different driving offenses, including the drunk driving charge. Sources report that Fetty Wap was expected to be released later on Nov. 3, but whether he has been released is unclear.

People who are charged with drunk driving may face numerous penalties if they are convicted. It may be beneficial for these individuals to seek legal help before agreeing to plead guilty to the charges. With an attorney’s help, someone who is charged with drunk driving may secure a favorable plea offer to a lesser offense or reduced sentence. Lawyers also may be able to identify constitutional problems with the way in which the officer completed the stop and investigation. If there are issues, the attorneys may file evidentiary motions in an effort to secure suppression of the evidence against their clients. This may result in dismissals of the charges.

Source: Billboard, “Fetty Wap arrested for drunk driving in Brooklyn: Report,” Michael Saponara, Nov. 3, 2017.
