Being accused of drug distribution is a very serious charge. Interestingly, an individual does not even have to be a resident of Texas or even the United States to be accused of drug distribution. Sometimes, people living in other countries who have never set foot on...
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Month: August 2013
Man convicted of white collar crime fights to reduce sentence
Allegations of so-called white collar crime are different from other kinds of criminal accusations. White collar crime charges in Texas require a different kind of defense. For one thing, it is rare that prosecutors can find a 'smoking gun' that will connect an...
Traffic stop yields drug seizures and drug charges for occupants
Whenever drugs are found in a 'traffic stop' the facts surrounding the stop and any other information that the authorities had on the occupants prior to the stop should be sought and determined. Sometimes the police may use the traffic stop as a pretextual excuse for...
Texas man falsely accused of drug charges sues Ford for damages
On the border between Texas and Mexico, authorities are on the constant lookout for drug traffickers. The majority of Texas residents who cross back and forth over the border from Mexico to the United States do not carry drugs with them, but some do and when...