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Father and son charged for transporting marijuana

On Behalf of | May 9, 2018 | Drug Charges

On May 3, Texas authorities took a father and son into custody after accusing them of transporting a large amount of marijuana and cash. The arrest occurred after authorities received a tip about potentially suspicious activity in a San Marcos apartment complex.

When officers arrived at the apartment, they reportedly observed a 56-year-old man and his 22-year-old son loading cardboard boxes into a pickup truck. They then conducted a traffic stop on the blue pickup in the 200 block of Sessom Drive. During a search of the vehicle, authorities said that they found nearly 50 pounds of marijuana. They also reportedly discovered $26,000 in cash and a police radio. It was believed that the marijuana was brought in from out of state.

Both individuals were ultimately charged with felony possession of marijuana. They were also charged with money laundering, which is a state jail felony. Both were still being held at Hays County Jail on $18,000 bond on May 4.

Those who were charged with drug-related crimes could face a jail sentence, major fines and years’ worth of supervised release. Once the person is out of jail, he or she may have trouble finding a place to live or obtaining gainful employment. Because drug charges can result in these serious, life-changing consequences, a criminal law attorney may investigate the case to determine whether the authorities followed proper procedures when taking the accused person into custody. The attorney may also work to suppress certain evidence that was found during illegal vehicle searches, which might result in the charges being reduced or dropped. The attorney may also be able to expose weaknesses in the prosecutors’ case and work to defend their client’s rights.

Source: Statesman, “Police arrest father, son in 49-pound marijuana bust in San Marcos“, Mark Wilson, 05/04/2018
