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6 Texas men arrested in marijuana bust

On Behalf of | Oct 27, 2017 | Uncategorized

Six Texas residents have been taken into custody on suspicion of running a marijuana grow house operation. The arrests occurred in Fort Bend and Harris counties.

According to local media accounts, three Houston men, ages 37, 35 and 27, were taken into custody in Fort Bend County. They have been charged with second-degree felony possession of marijuana. Three other defendants were apprehended in Harris County. They were charged with delivery of a controlled substance and felony possession of marijuana.

The Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office said that the marijuana grow house system was spread out over multiple neighborhoods in the two counties that are adjacent to each other. During a search of the properties, agents seized 778 marijuana plants, indoor growing lights, water pumps, scales, inverters and water pumps. They also confiscated packing materials used for marijuana distribution. According to investigators, the estimated street value of the marijuana was approximately $2.3 million.

Individuals convicted of drug charges can face harsh penalties in Texas, including prison, fines and the confiscation of personal property. However, defendants may be able to avoid conviction by contacting a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. An attorney could protect a defendant’s rights throughout the legal process, including during police questioning. After reviewing the case, counsel could also develop a number of defense strategies to get the charges reduced or to obtain less severe penalties. For example, some defendants may qualify for a drug diversion program in lieu of being incarcerated. The performance of a specified number of hours of community service might also be required.

Source: Next Shark, “6 Men Arrested in Texas with $2.3 Million of Marijuana in Neighborhood Grow Operation“, Heather Johnson Yu, Oct. 13, 2017
