For a person with numerous prior convictions, going to court to face new charges is not an ideal situation. A judge or jury is less likely to look favorably upon a man or woman who has a history with the law. After sexual assault charges were filed against a Texas man recently, he now faces that exact situation.
The arrest occurred on Jan. 19 in Temple, but the alleged crime took place nearly two years ago. A then 13-year-old girl claimed that on March 10, 2015, several men drugged and assaulted her and another 13-year-old girl. Both girls are described as being “runaways.” It was further alleged that the second girl passed out during the incident and was taken to a hospital. Both girls were examined at the time, but only one was admitted.
Following up on an address the purported victim gave to police, officers spoke to a man living in the home. While he admitted the girls had been there, he claimed there had been no sexual conduct. After a lengthy investigation, Temple Police officers arrested a 53-year-old man who lived at the address and issued a warrant for a second man. The arrested man was charged with aggravated sexual assault of a minor. He has previously been convicted of a traffic violation, possession of a controlled substance and driving while intoxicated.
Though not a repeat offender, the accused does have a history of unlawful behavior. This does not, however mean he is guilty, or that he deserves anything less than a fair day in court to defend himself. The same is true for anyone accused of sexual assault, or other serious crimes. One of the best ways to fight such charges is to work with a dedicated criminal defense lawyer with a proven track record of success in Texas.
Source:, “Man charged in alleged sexual assault of two children, second suspect sought“, Deborah McKeon, Jan. 20, 2017