Reliable, Dedicated Representation

San Antonio Rape Charges Defense Attorney

Facing Allegations of Rape? Our Texas Sexual Assault Defense Lawyers Can Help

Sexual Assault–also known as rape–is a second degree felony that can bring a penalty of 30 years in prison. Sexual assault is intentionally or knowingly penetrating the anus, sexual organ, or mouth of another person, without that person’s consent. The victim is said not to have consented to the sex act if the sexual assault is committed under one of the following circumstances:

  • The victim is unable to consent or to resist because of a mental disease or defect
  • The victim is physically unable to resist, unconscious, impaired by ingestion of a substance forced on the victim by the defendant, or unaware that the assault is occurring
  • The assailant uses force, violence, or a threat of force or violence against the victim or against another person
  • The defendant is a government official or employee who coerces the victim to submit or participate
  • If the victim is a child under the age of 17, the law presumes the child cannot consent, so any penetration of the child’s anus, mouth, or female sexual organ, or causing the anus, mouth, or sexual organ of a child to contact that of another person, is sexual assault. However, if the child is 14 years of age or older and the defendant is no more than three years older than the “victim”, then there is no crime as long as the act was not forced, violent, no drugs were involved and was with out threat of harm.

There is no exception in Texas Law because of Marital Status.

Aggravated Sexual Assault is first degree felony. That means that you or a loved one could be facing life in prison. Aggravated Sexual Assault is charged when a sexual assault involves one or more of the following circumstances:

  • If the defendant causes or threatens kidnapping or serious bodily injury,
  • threatens death or tries to kill the victim,
  • sexually assaults a child under the age of 14,
  • uses a deadly weapon,
  • the victim is elderly or disabled
  • the accused administers or provides flunitrazepam, otherwise known as rohypnol, gamma hydroxybutyrate, or ketamine with the intent to facilitate the act.

There is no substitute for a qualified and experienced San Antonio rape allegation defense lawyer. Anthony Cantrell is a Texas Board of Legal Specialization and experienced Texas criminal defense attorney. If you or someone you know has been charged with rape (sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault), contact Anthony Cantrell immediately.

The prosecutors aggressively pursue individuals with rape charges. But prosecutors do not hold all of the cards. An experienced and skillful rape defense attorney knows the prosecutors tricks. Don’t be intimidated. Protect your rights. Contact San Antonio board certified sex crimes defense attorney Anthony Cantrell today. We offer:

  • Certification by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Criminal Law
  • Proven track record of successes
  • Emergency hearings and bail bond service 24 hours a day – 7 days a week
  • Free initial consultations
  • Affordable fees in writing
  • Personal care and attention by an experienced Texas lawyer

Protect your rights. Contact our office as soon as possible and let us start to aggressively fight for you today.