Ignition interlock regulations in Texas

The requirement to use an ignition interlock device is just one of the many potential consequences associated with a DWI conviction in Texas.

When drivers in Texas operate a vehicle with a blood alcohol content level at or above 0.08, they may subject to a DWI conviction and the consequences that come with it, including the requirement to use an ignition interlock device. An IID is a small device that is wired directly into the ignition of a vehicle that a convicted drunk driver uses. Every time the driver wants to start his or her car, the device must be blown into. If there is a measurable amount of alcohol in the driver’s system, the vehicle will not turn on.

As the vehicle runs, the driver is required to provide additional breath samples at random intervals. If the device detects alcohol above the pre-set level, the event will be logged and the driver will be warned through some sort of alarm system.

IID requirements

In Texas, according to the Texas Department of Transportation, the state makes installing an IID mandatory following conviction for certain DWI and drunk driving offenses. More specifically, the state requires magistrates to order those charged with a subsequent drunk driving offense to use an IID unless it is determined that using one of these devices would not serve the best interests of the justice system. Additionally, those who are ordered by a magistrate to use an IID are not allowed to operate any vehicle without one of these devices.

The monitoring process

When those convicted of a DWI are ordered to use an IID by a magistrate in Texas, an appropriate agency is usually assigned to oversee the installation and day-to-day operation of the device. Once the IID is in operation, DWI offenders must provide a report to the monitoring company on a monthly basis. In this report, a listing of each start that was prohibited by the IID is included as well as why the startup was prevented.

Drivers who have an IID report that includes instances of noncompliance may have their post-conviction orders altered by the magistrate overseeing their case. Additional actions may include increased supervision, inpatient or outpatient treatment and alcohol counseling.

Contact an attorney

The requirement to use an IID is just one of the many consequences associated with a DWI conviction in Texas. Those who are worried about how the impact of a potential conviction could harm them following a drunk driving arrest should reach out to an attorney in their area for legal guidance and assistance.