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DWI/DUI Information – Binge Drinking Definition and Facts

What is binge drinking?
Binge drinking is defined as five standard drinks in a row for men and four for women. A “standard drink” is 12 grams of pure ethanol, which equals: 12 ounces of beer or wine cooler, 8 ounces of malt liquor, 5 ounces of wine, 1 ½ ounces of 80 proof distilled spirits.

Alcohol affects women more quickly than men; this is because men’s bodies have greater percentage of water by volume.

When is someone really drunk?
Noticeable signs include: Slurred, too loud, or too fast speech, weakened balance, loose muscle tone, staggering walk or inability to walk, glossy appearance to eyes, skin cool to the touch, slower pupil response, and loss of consciousness.

From Legally Drunk to Literally Dead
The legal system assesses drunkenness by measuring ones Blood Alcohol Concentration. The legal limit in Texas is a .08 BAC. Three drinks in one hour for a 160 pound person can put that drinker over the legal limit for driving a car. Four or five drinks would make a person very drunk. The faster someone drinks, the more dangerous drinking becomes. BAC levels of .40% or higher cause death.

Binge Drinking Dangers
Heavy, fast drinking is terribly risky, because it can spiral out of control. Bingers are more likely to have unsafe sex, leading to pregnancy and STDs. Being drunk costs someone his reasoning ability, movement control, and reaction speed, making him deadly behind the wheel of a car.

Anything Else?
Bingers have more and more sever hangovers. Heavy drinking has been shown to limit ones mental ability for up to 30 days.

Is Binge Drinking the Same as Alcoholism?
Binge drinking is not alcoholism, but binge drinkers are more likely to become alcoholics. The disease of alcoholism worsens over time until alcoholics crave alcohol and can’t limit their drinking.

What are the long-term health consequences of using alcohol?
Heavy or long-term drinking causes irreversible, often fatal damage to the body. Effects include: liver disease, heart disease and stroke, brain cell death, cancer of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, breast, pancreas, liver, colon, and rectum, limited normal growth in young people, damage to eyes and skin, malnutrition and gastric illnesses, sexual problems in men and women.

Alcohol used during pregnancy is the #1 cause of nonhereditary mental retardation and causes lifelong hyperactive behavior and learning disabilities.

Legal Consequences of Drinking Alcohol
It is illegal for anyone to drive under the influence of alcohol. If you are under 21, it is illegal to buy, possess, or drink alcohol. Penalties include being held in juvenile detention and being put on probation. Underage drinkers can lose their drivers licenses even if they were not driving when arrested.

High Risk Drinking
Binge Drinking dramatically increases the chances of sexual assault. Two out of three college men who sexually assaulted women were drunk, and 55% of victims were also drunk. Binge drinking causes crazy behavior, and it makes people less able to protect themselves.

Contact our Texas DWI/DUI defense lawyers, at Law Office of Anthony B. Cantrell, to discuss your DWI/DUI charges today.