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Texas driver arrested on suspicion of drunk driving for 8th time

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2015 | Uncategorized

According to Texas state law, following at least two prior convictions for DWI, a third arrest on the suspicion of drunk driving means that driver will be dealing with felony charges. Facing a felony drunk driving charge can be much more overwhelming than dealing with a misdemeanor charge, as the consequences can be much steeper. One driver is now dealing with this serious charge for what is apparently not the first time.

A man who previously served four years behind bars for his seventh conviction for a DWI was arrested for allegedly being intoxicated behind the wheel of his vehicle. In Nov. 2014, the man purportedly failed to take note of an upcoming red light and crashed into the back of a vehicle that was already stopped. A third vehicle was also struck.

When police asked him to submit to a Breathalyzer test, he apparently refused. Instead, officers had to obtain a warrant and transport the driver to the hospital to retrieve a blood sample. The blood draw showed a blood alcohol content of .27 percent, which is well above the legal limit.

He was recently indicted on his eighth drunk driving charge by a Texas grand jury. Situations such as this can have serious consequences for those involved, and as such he and his counsel have likely already given careful consideration to the charges, evidence and the possible outcomes. Drivers facing similar charges may want to consider all of their options — including negotiation of a plea deal, if available, or fighting the charges in court — before they make any definitive decisions concerning their defense.

Source:, “Trophy Club man arrested on 8th DWI charge“, Deanna Boyd, Jan. 7, 2015
